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Nano & Micro creators start monetizing your content today

We’re thrilled to announce this new opportunity for Nano & Micro creators!

Our client, a leading car rental company, is on the hunt for Nano & Micro creators from all corners of the world to craft engaging videos, share them, and tag the brand to spark buzz and inspire the travel community.

Ready to be part of something incredible? Fill out this form so we can get to know you betterβ€”and we’ll be in touch soon. Let’s hit the road and create something unforgettable! πŸš—πŸŽ₯✨

About the proposal:

βœ… Create a video (at least 30 seconds in short videos and 50 seconds in long videos) recommending the brand and cross-post it on Instagram, TikTok and/or Youtube. Tag the brand offering exclusive discounts to your followers.
βœ… You must retain the content posted on your feed at least for 1 year.
βœ… We will pay 100-150 USD depending on what your main channel and # followers, reach and egagement. The payment will be processed via PayPal.


πŸ‘‰ Buy now — $99 for 30 days