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→ Classifieds matching 'Internship' Show all classifieds

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Community Intern

Munich, Germany
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Almeria Wonder

Destination Marketing and Events Intern

Are you looking to gain real-world experience, expand your network, and be part of an exciting community of expats and industry experts—all while helping to promote Almería, Spain as a new destination for digital nomads and expats?

Almería Wonder, a vibrant organization based in the beautiful coastal city of Almería, is seeking a passionate and driven individual to join us for a 3-month (remote) internship as a Destination Marketing and Events Intern!

What’s in it for you?

->Professional Growth: Gain hands-on experience in social media management, marketing, and event coordination.
->Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry leaders, attend afterwork networking events, and join expat talks, hikes, and trips.
->Career Boost: Receive a certificate of completion and support in referrals to companies and professionals for potential paid roles.
->A Thriving Community: Be part of an organization dedicated to building connections and creating unforgettable experiences for expats and locals alike.

This is a voluntary position, with no monetary compensation—but the experience, connections, and opportunities you’ll gain will be invaluable for your career!

Instagram: @almeria.wonder

Almeria, Spain

👉 Buy now — $99 for 30 days