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Travel Massive and Tech4Travel

Join the TravelTech Day organized by the Samarkand Tourism Forum

πŸ“’ Join the TravelTech Day organized by the Samarkand Tourism Forum!

This is a unique opportunity for startups and IT companies in tourism to showcase their achievements to tour operators, hoteliers, investors, startups, government organizations, and other stakeholders in the Central Asian region, and to find new partnerships 🀝

Don’t miss the chance to be part of TravelTech Day, where innovation meets tourism❗️

We invite TravelTech companies and startups from Central Asia working with IT technologies in the tourism and hospitality industries, with at least an MVP.

πŸ—“οΈ September 20, 2024
πŸ“ Bishkek (venue to be confirmed)
🎀 Format - offline

This is a great opportunity for scaling and collaboration. Present your projects, find partners, and open new horizons for your business πŸš€

Apply now and show what your technologies are capable of πŸ’ͺ

The program includes presentations from 20 projects and panel discussions on the opportunities for developing the tourism business using IT technologies. Participation is free.

The event is limited to 150 participants. Space is limited ⚠️

To participate as a delegate, contact us on Telegram

πŸ‘‰ Based on the jury's decision, consisting of key industry experts, three winners will be selected, who will receive support from the event organizers in finding partners in the Central Asian market.

Questions❓ Write to us at or on Telegram

Event partners: Travel Massive and Tech4Travel communities
Co-organizer: USAID FGI Project

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

πŸ‘‰ Buy now — $99 for 30 days