50 πŸ”₯ Travel Startups

Here's our list of hot travel startups to watch in 2022.

πŸ‘ Thanks to over 3000 voters from 88 countries
πŸŽ‰ Official results below β€” congrats to the Top 10
πŸ˜… See how close the competition was in this cool visual

πŸ¦„ The #1 upvoted startup wins 0.005 Bitcoin (~$250 USD)
πŸ‘ One voter (random) will win 0.001 Bitcoin (~$50 USD)
🚨 Voting has closed (December 19 at 23:59 UTC)

Competition rules. If there is a draw, the prize will be split evenly between the winning startups. To be in the draw to win 0.001 BTC you must upvote at least one of the startups, and have a completed profile. The winners will be announced in the weekly newsletter and contacted via email. Good luck!