· 1 month ago

B Corp: Worth it? What's your score?

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Founder & CEO, Yugen Earthside

I am the founder of Yugen Earthside, a sustainable travel booking platform and I've had my eye on B Corp for years and recently completed the initial B Corp Impact Assessment.

1. Did your company pursue B Corp? Do you think it's worth it? Why or why not?
2. If you achieved B Corp, what was your score?

For travel companies that don't know: B Corp requires a minimum of 80 points and the scale goes up to 200.

I'm trying to determine:
1. What's achievable for my small company
2. What's "good" for a travel business, i.e. what the median might be
3. What would be considered "exceptional" for a B Corp travel business

Thank you!

1 month ago (edited)
Founder, Travel Massive

Good question! I've passed this on to a few people. A while ago we featured an article about WithLocals who had converted to B Corp:

The plus sides I see are that B Corp certification can give you a marketing and hiring edge in certain markets (where people care about it). The downside is the certification fees and the time taken in your business to apply for and manage the certification.

2 days later


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B Corp: Worth it?

B Corp: Worth it? was posted by Hilary Matson in Discussion , Startup , Entrepreneurship , Marketing , Sustainability . Featured on Feb 21, 2025 (1 month ago). B Corp: Worth it? is not rated yet.