· 9 months ago

Member Poll: Travel Journals What platforms or apps do you use for travel journaling?

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Founder, Travel Massive

At this week's meetup in Melbourne we met a student who writes a travel journal on his own Discord server, and shares it with a small group of close friends.

If you're not familiar with Discord, it's an instant messaging service similar to Slack, where you can host your own "server" to chat with your group or community. Discord is primarily used by gamers and live-streamers, but people are using it for other forms of communication, including travel blogging!

Do you write a travel journal? And if so, what platforms or apps do you use?

9 months ago (edited)
Writer, Photographer, and Content creator, pathstotravel.com

I tried journaling but it didn't stick, so now I mostly write down observations in my phone notes app. Though the romantisism of journaling does cross my mind every now and then, especially when looking at pretty notebooks :)

2 hours later
Writer, expedition planner and leader, NicholasBratton.com

I have written thousands of pages in my travel journals and I work exclusively in hard copy. It feels more satisfying - in terms of both creativity and tactile sensation - to compose my thoughts and record my observations by putting pen to paper rather than typing on a device. Plus this platform is free from the bonds of electricity and connectivity. In this moment where so many people feel an urge to share everything with everyone, analog writing for an audience of one is an act of rebellion.

When I want to share my adventures and insights from my travels, I have a wealth of raw material from which to draw in composing my magazine articles, blog posts, and social media content. For my expeditions in the arctic my platform is Rite In The Rain journals paired with the Fisher Space Pen. I have never run out of batteries and never had to rely on an internet connection. It's a delightfully pure connection between thought and word, transmitting from the mind to the physical world.

5 hours later (edited)
Co-Founder, Travellerspoint

I'm using the Day One app for general purpose journalling, and have made it a pretty solid habit for at least 3 months now. Prior to using the app I was using pen and paper which is also very enjoyable. The main thing I like about using an app is that I can attach a photo to each entry.

For travel journalling, I'd be using the blogging platform on my own website Travellerspoint, though in the past I've never been particularly good at keeping the habit. Now that I've developed a daily journalling habit though, I think it will be a breeze next time around.

My main aim with journalling is to have a record to look back on later.

9 months ago
Blogger, A Head Full of Travel

I have played at the thought of using Discord for travel blogging, but never did get around to attempting it. However, I'm a huge fan of Polarsteps - I'm an early adopter of the app. I simple create my trip, let it track where I go, and then come back later to add photos and my thoughts. Everything appears on a beautiful map, and I get to go back and retrace my steps on each trip, which I actually do pretty often!

I do have a blog website too (which I have revamped under a new domain name), but I'm a little slow to update that one because of the care with words and design.

9 months ago
Content Club coordinator, Stay22

1) For myself: I use just a normal paper notebook I take everywhere with me – only writing there when it's something more significant, not all the time.

2) For friends and family: I also post on social media some travel updates every now and then and I include my impressions. I also have a family group chat where I share more instant impressions and photos.

3) For everyone else: And travel blog for more structured way of sharing information / travel experiences.

9 months ago (edited)
Travel writer and publisher of PubClub.com, PubClub.com

I write mostly on my own website, PubClub.com, and freelance for a couple of others (Men Who Blog, Cruise West Coast). I also write for Medium, which is a very big blogging network.

9 months ago

I love hearing about this! I journal via my blog posts on my website (like the old days, before we knew about SEO, when we visited each other's websites daily). I'm convinced all will gravitate back to websites for these things. =)

9 months ago (edited)
Founder / CEO, OnRoute

I couldn't find a great visual travel journal so I started OnRoute (www.theonrouteapp.com). I use it to keep track of where I've gone on my trips and often find myself reaching for it to show people when they ask where I've been or what I've done :)

6 months ago
Writer/Editor, Maureen Littlejohn Communications Consultant

I’m kinda old school. I journal by hand when I can. It’s a great way to slow down and collect your thoughts.

5 months ago


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Member Poll: Travel Journals

Member Poll: Travel Journals was posted by Ian in Discussion , Writing , App . Featured on May 15, 2024 (9 months ago). Member Poll: Travel Journals is not rated yet.