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Vicky Smith
Founder/Consultant Sustainable, Earth Changers
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Member for 9 Years
Joined January 2015
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About me

Founder: Sustainable tourism consultant. Since mid 90s tourism management of destinations, online, marketing; sine mid 00s sustainability. Volunteer tourism expert. Qualified Ranger. Voluntary charity challenge manager. Mindful. Help develop European & Global Ecotourism Networks; Trustee SEED Madagascar, Organise RT MeetUps.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

mmmm Mozambique, Mauritius, Malawi, Maldives! And Iceland, Sri Lanka, Hawaii, Nicaragua...

What was your first travel job?

Resort manager, major ski tour operator, various French resorts

Three words that describe why we should travel?

community development, conservation, perspective


  • Stay close, minimise transport time there & back (DLR often goes on strike because they know the disruption it causes that Excel wants to avoid). Consider the Greenwich peninsula, and take the cable car over the river each way. Take your own lunch as q... show more

  • Hi Gili, Not sure if they covered it in the webinar, but GSTC have sustainability criteria for MICE which I helped work on. You can download the criteria here:

  • WTM's looking pretty chocker, so see you on the 2nd Ian!

  • Hi Salvatore, I studied the MSc Responsible Tourism Management via Leeds Beckett University in the UK (remote). You might like to take a look at this article which aggregates other sustainability leaders suggestions: show more

  • I'll be there - and organising the Responsible Tourism Networking usual fringe event! If you're in RT, here's the details. Registration required asap as limited capacity space: show more