· 3 years ago

What new skills have you learned in the past year?

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Founder, Travel Massive

A quick poll for the community: what new skills have your learned in the past year?


• Online courses (e.g. photography)
• A new hobby (e.g. snowboarding)
• Masters degree (e.g. sustainable tourism)

Can be travel, or non-travel related...

👉 Bonus points for interesting or obscure skills you've learned!

3 years ago (edited)
Founder, Travel Massive

I'll go first... I learned two things this past year that were fun but challenging:

👨‍💻 Elixir — the coding language this site is built in (thanks to @mplatts & @daamsie)
🏄‍♂️ Wingsurfing (self taught)

2 minutes later (edited)
Business & Product Developer, World Discovery

It's not really a learned skill, but I've been dedicating most of my learning time in the last couple of months in exploring everything web3 related. Also with connections to the travel industry.

A new music genre that I started listening - Jazz 🎺

3 years ago
Creator on TikTok & Instagram

Rolled in the LCA last year. A complete course by Christian Leblanc! I learned how to shoot, edit and improve pictures in lightroom, improved my editing skills and got to learn how to post them efficiently. Feeling blessed to be able to do it in a good way now!

3 years ago
Chief Business Officer, Unravel Pte. Ltd.

The useless one - making the best french omelette in the world. Sounds silly but I tried it over 50 times(a couple of times every week for the whole family) and can now safely challenge any professional chef to it now. My inspiration was a very old video by Jaque Peppin on youtube(though I did check out many others' versions since).

The important one - being a father. My girl turns 1 this month and I think I learn more from her every day than anything else I do.

3 years ago
Travel creator

Ooooh this past year has been a big year in drones for me. But I shifted to try to take on the hardest drone to fly (the first person view or "FPV" drone). WOOOO.. a LOT of dramamine later... I still get VERY sick every time I fly. But it's fun.

3 years ago

Oh as i had to produce content and PR to grow awareness on Melanin Travels Magic, I had to learn blog and article writing online and offline, interview skills, pitching media.

3 years ago
Content Club coordinator, Stay22

Some new sports for me:
1. Snowboarding 🏂
2. Downhill mountain biking 🚵‍♀️

3 years ago
Content Manager, Otolo

Mostly digital focussed: How to automate customer journeys, how to use social media on Hubspot, and a few growth hacks as well!

3 years ago

I was looking the way to improve my spanish persuasive texts for my website.
I study and read a lot about copywriting, and I start working as a copywriter for other people and bussiness.
Very happy about that.
www.depradena.com, my website of spanish copywriting and copywriting for crowdfunding specialist.

3 years ago
Co-Founder, Travellerspoint

Two things..

* Coding in Elixir - to help build this site. It's a really enjoyable language to work in.
* Playing the piano. Shout out to Simply Piano for that one. I did lessons a very long time ago (when I was about 8 years old), so I had some very basic knowledge. Going back as an adult to learn an instrument has been quite satisfying.

This year I'm trying to learn oil painting.

3 years ago
Content strategy, I freelance

I've been learning how to play the ukulele & trying to take my piano skills to the next level.

Another thing I've been studying is practicing an anti-inflammatory diet & movements (exercises on land and water) to help strengthen the core and spine.

3 years ago


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What new skills have you learned in the past year?

3 reviews

What new skills have you learned in the past year? was posted by Ian in Discussion , Education . Featured on Feb 9, 2022 (3 years ago). What new skills have you learned in the past year? is rated 5/5 ★ by 3 members.