What Social Media channels are working for your blog or travel brand?
was posted by
Sam Capra
Featured on Jul 15, 2024 (7 months ago).
What Social Media channels are working for your blog or travel brand? is rated
by 1 member.
Curious to hear what social channels are actually driving traffic/revenue to your blog/brand, etc?
For now Pinterest a little bit!
Pinterest. I have tried and tried to grow and leverage this channel. I've just struggled to gain traction. I'll need to revisit thanks for sharing!
For me, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Thanks. I actually pulled back from Facebook. Have not ventured down the Linkedin path. What type of content you sharing on Linkedin?
Mostly railroad articles.
I love IG for my content.
Thank you. I have a love/hate relationship with IG. I feel like one day I get traction and the next 3 days is crickets. Is there a type of content you find works best for your brand?
The content I get the most traction with is events. I will post an event and add a poll to it.
Sawasdee ka Sam.
We mainly use LinkedIn and our Team Spirit Thailand website for sharing any content.
Word of mouth is still the number 1 source of direct inquiries in addition to good old school phone calls and emails to people we know or have worked with in the past in other capacities.
Great stuff..love the old school phone calls. Keep up the great work!
Thanks, this is helpful
Thank you. As mentioned I like IG but it's really inconsistent on our end from an overall engagement standpoint. Let me know how medium works out for you. Since we are a blog first brand we stay aways from medium to ensure indexing and prevent content duplication which can hurt SEO. We have toyed around with posting our content from our blog there 1-2 months after the content has been indexed on our site to see if we can get some link juice.
LinkedIn seems to work best for us to reach contacts.
I'm most active on Instagram, but I also post content on Threads, TikTok, Pinterest and, to a lesser extent, Facebook. I do find it hard to get consistent traction anywhere tbh - social media is so hit and miss these days. I have been considering LinkedIn for sharing blog posts but haven't actually done it yet.
I still use the platform Elon hates us calling Twitter, and Facebook, and sometimes, Threads. I suspect Instagram would be the best if I got over the threshold for direct links (haven't looked recently. Is that still a thing?) But my best return is on LinkedIn and Pinterest.
I suspect Reddit could be my best. It was when there was a sub-reddit that directly covered my subject area. It's since been disbanded.
And a few years ago I remember an industry 'expert' saying "Quora is a sleeping giant". Still sleeping I think, but you never know!
We use Facebook and IG, setting up Bluesky, and Mastodon now. Anyone here, there. We'd love to follow.
Redditt but keep on getting banned because of promo content
I do Facebook and LinkedIn. I find Instagram a bit difficult to grow (in Vietnam) and currently exploring Pinterest as an option.