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Agnes Abelsen
Founder and CEO, Travengers AU
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Member for 3 Years
Joined February 2022
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About me

Founder and CEO of Travengers AU and Divergence Travel - connecting neurodivergent travellers through tailored group experiences.
On a greater mission to make travel possible and accessible for neurodivergents globally.

Previously a disability nurse in Norway, I grew up with an autistic sister and saw first hand the challenges she faced and still faces.

in 2017 I moved to Australia, and eventually started an autism group travel company, empowering young adults to connect socially and travel with support.

Since then we’ve helped hundreds of young autistic adults across Australia, have received numerous prizes and awards.

My mission is to create equal opportunities for a good quality of life, help people who might be struggling socially to connect with like-minded people, and to create a ripple-effect of awareness and understanding on our way.

Interested in partnerships, investment opportunities and media and speaking appearances.

Why did you join the community?

To have broader impact within travel and connecting with like-minded people.

