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Alexandra Riemann
Founder, TravelSisters
Member for 2 Years
Joined June 2022
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About me

Hi, I'm Alex, the founder of TravelSisters.

I was born in Germany but I'm also half-Chilean. So I as basically born with the travel bug!
Then I also studied in London, San Francisco, Shanghai and Boston before starting my female only travel startup.

I'd love to collaborate with other from this platform. If you can see us working together - shoot me a message! (Email is best)

Extra: Foodie, Dog mum, Bookworm


  • We've got some exciting news for you: we're now crowdfunding! 🥳🧡 👉 Check out the campaign here, with lots of exclusive app screengrab previews and exclusive perks and discounts:

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    TravelSisters 1 year ago

  • Thank you for the question, Moira! We plan on introducing a partnership facing access in the future, but at the moment it is solely focused on travellers. Any offering of tours will be deleted. We are happy to work with tour operators such as yourself... show more

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    TravelSisters 2 years ago

  • Thanks, Andrey!

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    TravelSisters 2 years ago

  • Thanks, Julia! 😊 If you'd like to try it out, I'd really appreciate your feedback and any ideas you might have 🥰

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    TravelSisters 2 years ago

  • Hi, I'm Alex - the founder of TravelSisters. I started TravelSisters out of a personal paint point - as you can find out in the video. 🥰 We have a working prototype out there that is free to use - barring the £1 verification, that is. So if you want t... show more

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    TravelSisters 2 years ago
