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Passionate Content Creator #Journalism #Photography #Videography ✍️📸🌍
Want to get in touch? Email me: ben(@)pocketmediagroup.co.uk
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This is great advice, I really appreciate it, and thank you also for watching my video! I think I have approached my previous videos wrong. Because I have gone out to capture lots of video, without really planning it other than to capture what interes... show more
What's the best vlog style for travel videos? 2 years ago
Thanks for commenting. When you login to Google Search Console, on the "Overview" section, at the top in the middle paste the URL in that you want to manually crawl faster. The box you paste the URL in should say in light grey "Inspect any URL...". Once... show more
How do you optimise your blog for Google? 2 years ago
Excellent tips, thank you for sharing :) Value right there!
How do you optimise your blog for Google? 2 years ago
Hey everyone, I wanted to write about website article optimisation, to see how many people are making an effort to optimise their travel content, so that it's ranked by Google? For those that don't know about Google SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), t... show more
How do you optimise your blog for Google? 2 years ago
Thank you for going to the effort to share your thoughts and experiences. Sounds like you're doing a great job, and kudos for the nice 13k strong FB group! Another idea that sprung to mind is taking advantage of the FB group rules. You can for example a... show more
How do you promote your travel blog? 2 years ago