Bring this community together by hosting a Travel Massive meetup to connect with local members.
Lisboa é um dos melhores destinos turísticos da Europa e do Mundo e os vários prémios que já recebeu confirmam-no. A cidade das sete colinas é cobiçada pela boa comida, pelo clima fantástico e, sobretudo, pelas pessoas. Acreditamos veementemente que é de pessoas e para pessoas que se faz o turismo em Lisboa, por isso fazia sentido que a comunidade Travel Massive se estendesse à capital portuguesa.
Somos uma comunidade local de profissionais de turismo, bloggers de viagens, startups e outras empresas ligadas ao turismo e às viagens. Dela fazem parte Lisboetas de raíz, de coração, por adopção ou de passagem. Acreditamos que só com uma comunidade forte se pode melhorar o mundo. E por falar em mundo, o nosso Chapter faz parte de uma comunidade internacional com mais de 50.000 membros espalhados por mais de 70 países.
Lisbon is one of the best tourism destinations in Europe and the world. The several awards the city has won are a testimony of that. The city of seven hills is coveted for great food, great weather, and, above all, for the great people. We strongly believe that tourism in Lisbon is made by people and for people, so it made sense that the Travel Massive community would grow to include the Portuguese capital.
We are a local community of tourism professionals, travel bloggers, startups, and others working in the travel industry. The chapter includes “Lisboetas” by birth, at heart, or by choice. We believe only an active, cohesive community has the power to change the world for the better. And speaking of the world, our Chapter is part of an international community with over 50,000 members in over 70 countries (and growing).
Hey Oli, how are things going in Lisbon? Any meetups planned for the Lisbon Travel Massive community coming up?
Hey Ian, summer meetup planned for July 20th. Cheers Oli
Wish I could join and enjoy some cheap (are they still?) Portuguese beers!
They sure are :-) Hope you can make it to the next one mate. Hope all's well in Oz.
Hello! Topo Chiado is closed and I am at CARMO; sorry I missed this meetup!
LZ from California!
Hi Lydia, we are at Carmo close to the bar. I’m wearing a black t-shirt. See you soon Oli
I am upstairs in a green shirt… I don’t see you. There are too many people! Lol!
Great to meet you in Lisbon Lydia. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your stay.
Thank you!
I’m so glad we were able to connect! I’m back in San Diego, but am looking forward to returning to Portugal some day soon!
Great pic Oli!
Cheers Julian. Hope you're well mate.
Dear all,
Does anyone know about Secret City Trails in Lisbon? Does it work with an app?
No need for an ap, its a webapp - so once you buy it on the website - it will work in your browser!
Where can I buy it?
hey folks 👋
how about we meet during WebSummit 2024?
i’ll be in town