I am a fulltime travel journalist, focusing on writing about Spain for a number of medias. I also run my own travel site about Spain - Spain by Hanne
I want to meet others from the travel industry
Spain - especially Madrid and Barcelona
The travel industry
Compassion for other cultures, new inspiration, freedom
I agree with others, that it is important to define what it is. I am focusing on how you can bring some positive to the place, you travel too. Like buying local, visiting non turistic places etc. I have done this for some years now, and the readers love... show more
I think that people ar more focused on brining something to the countries they visit, like supporting locals, be more mindful to the locals and more interested in their life. Also slow travel is a trend. Travelling by train, exploring new paths and bein... show more
What are your travel predictions for 2023? 1 year ago
Great idea
ORMA Guides 1 year ago
Lat me know, if you have interesting places in Spain, which is the place I work and write about :-)
UnTours 2 years ago
Hey Richard, What an interesting project. Congratulations :-)
UnTours 2 years ago