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Henni Schönlau
MBA Sustainable Leisure and Tourism Development, Hilfswerft gGmbH
Member for 2 Years
Joined June 2022
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About me

Hi out there!
Just finishing my Master in Sustainable Leisure and Tourism Development and passionate Social Entrepreneurer. Currently trying to become an expert in sustainable destination management and social entrpreneurship in tourism sector. Working in Social entrepreneur project management.

"When you travel you realize how small your world is and how much bigger it can be"

Why did you join the community?

- Looking for a job in tourism sector - Connecting, Experiencing, Learning

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Chile/Australia and New Zealand

What do you want to learn more about?

How to change the tourism sector to make everyone benefit from it.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

#foryourself #people #change



