Hi out there!
Just finishing my Master in Sustainable Leisure and Tourism Development and passionate Social Entrepreneurer. Currently trying to become an expert in sustainable destination management and social entrpreneurship in tourism sector. Working in Social entrepreneur project management.
"When you travel you realize how small your world is and how much bigger it can be"
- Looking for a job in tourism sector - Connecting, Experiencing, Learning
Chile/Australia and New Zealand
How to change the tourism sector to make everyone benefit from it.
#foryourself #people #change
That would depend :) You can DM me for details
Hey Maria, thanks so much for the valueable links! :) I will check in on that
Thanks for the tip. I'll let you know ;-)
That would be great!
Yes, the experience thing is kind of a problem right now as I already have experience but in a different field. The problem with volunteering is the question of salary as I have high living costs due to rent etc... but of course nothing comes from nothi... show more