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James Lemon
Head of Hospitality, Travel & Leisure, Stripe
⭐️ Premium Member 🤘 Rockstar
Member for 6 Years
Joined May 2018
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About me

I lead Stripe's Go To Market strategy and execution in the Travel & Leisure industry. I build our multi-year plan for the industry, and help the business deliver across Marketing, Business Development, and targetted Product/Tech choices.

I'm a huge fan of building communities and networks - exchanging ideas about what we're working on, where we face blockers, and using other people's experience to develop fresh perspective.

Have been in Travel & Leisure for 20+ years, from hotel chains (IHG) to TravelTech, and startups - both my own, and other peoples.

Why did you join the community?

Opportunity to learn and network.


  • Hi Ian, yes, it's not a simple task. If you mean themes in terms of what they want to learn - Career planning & entrepreneurship are the top 2, with marketing, managing change, event management & hotel operations not far before. If you mean themes in te... show more

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    Otolo 3 years ago

  • Great to be here - loved Travel Massive since a great event all the way back in 2018 upstairs in a London pub to chat all things innovation & talent! Please join us for free at - let us know if you'd like to help our community as an Ambassad... show more

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    Otolo 3 years ago

