Grew up on Oahu, educated in California, and spent a career teaching, traveling, and consulting in Japan. Travel and exploration are key parts of what makes me happy, and I'm passionate about helping others promote and choose sustainable aspects of travel to enhance their businesses and lives.
I'd love to share insights from my area and love of travel
tropical, mountains, rural destinations
Greece, Costa Rica, Iceland, Alaska, the Galapagos, Fiji, Samoa, New Zealand, Africa, South America
Writing about fun places, event and travel reviews for Hiroshima, Japan on
Sustainable travel products, strategies and services around the world to balance the needs of people and planet with profits
Culture, Engagement, Revelation
thanks for watching and commenting Scott- glad you enjoyed it, Dani & Evan are doing great things!
I'd love to talk with you Carla or one of the MEET team on my talkshow-podcast Seek Sustainable Japan, it would be great benchmarking for what our area of Japan (which is often referred to as the Medeterranian of Japan) can also be inspired by and try o... show more
MEET Network 5 months ago
My name is Joy (JJ) and I am based in Hiroshima, Japan. This video is part of a passion-project to highlight the good work of interesting people in Japan called SEEK SUSTAINABLE JAPAN to share great ideas and inspire us all, hope you enjoy it & please a... show more
So inpired by the work Dani & Evan are doing which is documented on this interesting YouTube channel called "BENTON HOMESTEAD". Dani and Evan are a young American couple who moved to the beautiful island of Omishima in the middle of Japan- not far from ... show more
this is a great tool- good job! I drive an EV in Japan and have to use google maps to figure out my distances and plan for superchargers along the way using the Tesla car info and google, but an app like this would be very useful- also depends how you d... show more
Electric Vehicle Range Spider 1 year ago