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Nima Tashi Sherpa
Product Development and Operation, Last Frontiers Trekking
⭐️ Premium Member ✅ Work With Me
Member for 5 Years
Joined September 2019
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About me

A 3rd Generation Sherpa in the adventure travel industry. It started back in 1953 with the British Expedition scaling to Mt. Everest - this when my grandfather joined as a high altitude guide/porter. This has inspired, and focused me to create lifetime experiences for individuals who like to seek such a great adventure. I specialize in Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan and Rajasthan.

Why did you join the community?

I want to join because travel industry is very broad, and by connecting with professional in the same industry, i'd could learn more.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Bhutan, India

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Peru, Tanzania


  • thank but going Colorado at that time

  • Hi everyone I am a DMC from Nepal, and have just moved to the US East Coast. I'd love to connect in person, if there is an event in the area or if i visit Austin area.

  • Hi everyone I have just moved to the US for a year in the East Coast. I am a DMC from Nepal, but if i am in CO area, i'd love to connect in person.

  • Hi Tribe I am a DMC from Nepal, and will be spending a year in the US in the East Coast. Would love to connect in person when i am in the NYC area.

  • I am a DMC from Nepal, and I have just moved to the VA/DC area for a year, and would love to connect with other passionate travelers.