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Stephen Flood
Joined 9 months ago
Member since June 2024
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About me

I grew up living and working in B&Bs in the 1980's and 1990's, which gave me a strong foundation in hospitality. I later transitioned to finance, working on Wall Street with Bankers Trust and Goldman Sachs. In 2002, I returned to my native Dublin and joined GoldCore in 2004, which I now own.

In September 2023, I took a sabbatical from GoldCore to focus on i-raave, a passion project I deeply believe in. I am fascinated by the concepts of six degrees of separation, networks, and the importance of signal over noise. My new company revolutionises the traditional five-star review system by leveraging "near networks" to share geospatial reviews, fostering genuine word-of-mouth recommendations.

Please check out our website to learn more and download the app, which we are launching now. I think you’ll love it.

Why did you join the community?

Hi I am launching a new review system, the like you have never seen before. Really excited to join the community .


  • Dear Anne, I was really impressed with your suggestions and the effort you put into helping a fellow member, Amritha. I wanted to show you how your tips are displayed on our new app, i-raave, which introduces a completely new approach to reviews and l... show more

  • Hi Ian, Thank you so much for your review. We are improving the geo coder to be more sensitive to the users location. Early adopters are in Europe and centre around our local networks. People really like the "Flair" functions, which work like a revers... show more

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    i-raave 8 months ago

  • Hi, Can you help me test out our new app called i-raave? If you are an adventurer like me, you will love not only finding the most amazing places but also sharing them with your nearest and dearest. i-raave helps you choose the best places in any given... show more

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    i-raave 9 months ago
