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Timothy O'Neil-Dunne
Human, T2Impact Ltd
🤘 Rockstar
Member for 10 Years
Joined December 2014
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About me

Timothy O'Neil-Dunne is a long time Travel Geek. He has been involved in the Travel business for most of his working life. In his spare time, he writes about travel in particular aviation, technology, startups and innovation in long and short forms.

His involvement in the industry includes time with Worldspan as head of technology. He was on the startup management team of Expedia. He sits on a number of advisory and executive boards. His current gig is trying to avoid the fall out from 777's mess that he had nothing to do with. In the mean time - he is out working on legal matters, development of some core infrastructure projects. Similarly he is pursuing the passion to help fix the terrible consumer experience challanges,

Timothy also writes as Professor Sabena.

Why did you join the community?

Ian made me.


  • I had not been to a London TM for a while. The quality of presentation was excellent. Location was great to well done to the various team members and thanks to Stripe for hosting.

  • Around the globe about 2500 airports with significant jet traffic and lounges. Getting enough access footprint is an interesting challenge. Would love to chat about it

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    LoungePair 3 years ago

  • This is a degree of a stretch to assume all that will happen. Clearly some of it will. The question I would like to see addressed is what are the enabling factors that will drive these types of changes. There are also a series of assumptions that need t... show more

  • English (British - Mother tongue) English (American - now more than 50% of my life in daily contact with Americans and I live there most of the time). English (Irish varieties - north and south) I can order alcohol Francais - Enough to get me into REAL... show more

